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Author: Assembly

Mandate of Liaison Committee

Liaison Committee is mandated to

  1. Guide and co-ordinate the operations, policies and mandates of all Committees;
  2. Deliberate on and apportion the annual operating budget among the Committees
  • Consider the programmes of all Committees , including their need to travel and sit away from the precincts of Assembly;
  1. Ensure that Committees submit reports as required by these Standing Orders;
  2. Determine, whenever necessary, the Committee or Committees to deliberate on any matter and
  3. Give such advice relating to the work and mandate of select Committees as it may consider necessary


  1. Nathaniel Nganga – Chairperson
  2. Sammy Nduva – Member
  3. Joseph Muli “
  4. Joseph Itumo “
  5. Winston Kanui “
  6. Leonard Katela                                                 “
  7. Cecilia Sereka “
  8. Joshua Mwonga “
  9. Jacqueline Nziva “
  10. Michael Mutuku “
  11. Oliver Nzeki “
  12. Edrick Ngunzi “
  13. Magdalene Ndawa “
  14. Philip Ndolo “
  15. Wilson Kasimu “



 Hon. Francis Kalumu  Hon. Brian Kisila
  1. Hon. Francis Kalumu            –           Chairperson
  2. Hon. Brian Kisila                  –           Vice Chairperson
  3. Hon. Benedette Musyoka
  4. Hon. Daniel Kiilu
  5. Hon. Jeremiah Munguti
  6. Hon. Nicholas Mutuku
  7. Hon. Phoebe Koki



Standing Order No. 188. (1) There shall be a select committee to be known as the Committee on Implementation.

(2) The Committee shall scrutinize the resolutions of the Assembly (including adopted committee reports), petitions and the undertakings given by the County Executive Committee and examine—

(a) whether or not such decisions and undertakings have been implemented and where implemented, the extent to which they have been implemented; and whether such implementation has taken place within the minimum time necessary; and

(b) whether or not legislation passed by the Assembly has been operationalised and where operationalised, the extent to which such operationalisation has taken place within the minimum time necessary.

(5) The Committee may propose to the Assembly, sanctions against any member of the County Executive Committee who fails to report to the relevant select Committee on implementation status without justifiable reasons.



 Hon. Mark Muendo  Hon. Geoffrey Kamulu
  1. Hon. Mark Muendo               –           Chairperson
  2. Hon. Geoffrey Kamulu           –           Vice Chairperson
  3. Hon. Angela Munyasya
  4. Hon. Caleb Mule
  5. Hon. Francis Ngunga
  6. Hon. Grace Mutwiwa
  7. Hon. Irene Mbivya
  8. Hon. John Musyimi
  9. Hon. Justus Kiteng’u
  10. Hon. Michael Mutiso
  11. Hon. Mohamed Ali
  12. Hon. Justus Katumo
  13. Hon. Rosina Kanini



Standing Order No.

186. (1) There shall be a select Committee to be known as the County Budget and Appropriations Committee.

(2) The Committee shall consist of a chairperson, and not more than eight other Members.

(3) The functions of the Committee shall be to—

(a) investigate, inquire into and report on all matters related to coordination, control and monitoring of the of the county budget,

(b) discuss and review the estimates and make recommendations to the Assembly;

(c) examine the County Budget Policy Statement presented to the Assembly;

(d) examine Bills related to the county budget, including Appropriations Bills; and

(e) evaluate tax estimates, economic and budgetary policies and programs with direct budget outlays.



 Hon. Dominic Ndambuki  Hon. Margaret Mbithi
  1. Hon. Dominic Ndambuki        –  Chairperson
  2. Hon. Margaret Mbithi            –  Vice Chairperson
  3. Hon. Christine Koki
  4. Hon. Daniel Mbevi
  5. Hon. Ikisya Kaloki
  6. Hon. Jacqueline Munyao
  7. Hon. Moffat Maitha
  8. Hon. Paul Museku
  9. Hon. Tariq Mulatya


Standing order section 152. (1) There shall be a select committee, to be designated Selection Committee, consisting the Leader of the Majority party who shall be the chairperson, the Leader of the Minority party not less than seven and not more than eleven other members, who shall be nominated by Assembly parties and approved by the House.

(2) The Committee on Selection shall nominate members to serve in Committees, save for the membership of the House Business Committee and Committee on Appointments.
(3) The Committee on Selection shall be appointed within ten days on assembly of a new House.

  1. Joshua K Mwonga –           Majority Leader/Chairman
  2. Thomas M Kasoa –           Minority Leader/ V. Chairman
  3. Renson N Muthiani –           Member
  4. Brigid Mbinya –           “
  5. Christine Mwende –           “
  6. Veronicah Mbithe –           “
  7. Charles Mutisya –           “
  8. Benson Kasyoka           –           “
  9. Timothy Kilonzo           –           “
  10. Ruth Ndumi –           “
  11. Catherine Nguluku –           “
  12. Mary Ndinda ‘’


Standing Order No. 185.

(1) There shall be a select committee to be designated the County Public Accounts and Investments Committee.

(2) The County Public Investments and Accounts Committee shall be responsible for—
(a) the examination of the accounts showing the appropriations of the sum voted by the County Assembly to meet the public expenditure and of such other accounts laid before the County Assembly as the Committee may think fit.

(b) the examination of the reports, accounts and workings of the county public investments;

(c) the examination, in the context of the autonomy and efficiency of the county public investments, whether the affairs of the county public investments, are being managed in accordance with sound financial or business principles and prudent commercial practices:

Provided that the Committee shall not examine any of the following, namely:

(i) matters of major County or National Government policy as distinct from business or commercial functions of the public investments;

(ii) matters of day-to-day administration; and

(iii) matters for the consideration of which machinery is established by any special statute under which a particular county public investment is established.

(3) The County Public Accounts and Investments Committee shall consist of a chairperson who shall be a member elected by the Committee from amongst the members of the Committee nominated from the minority Party or coalition of Parties, and not more than four other Members.

(4) The County public Accounts and Investment Committee shall elect a Vice Chairperson from amongst its members.

(5) The County Public Accounts and Investments Committee constituted immediately following the general election shall serve for a period of three calendar years and that constituted thereafter shall serve for the remainder of the Assembly term.


     Hon. Joseph Musau  Hon. Winfred Mutua
    1. Hon. Joseph Musau          –           Chairperson
    2. Hon. Winfred Mutua         –           Vice Chairperson
    3. Hon. Agatha Mutunga
    4. Hon. Alice Nzioka
    5. Hon. Johana Munyao
    6. Hon. Josphat Kasyoki
    7. Hon. Peter Mutiso



Standing Order No. 222. (1) The proceedings of the County Assembly may be broadcast.

(2) The broadcasting of the proceedings of the Assembly shall comply with the Rules set out in the Third Schedule of these Standing Orders.

3) There shall be a select committee to be known as the Broadcasting and Library Committee whose mandate is to—

(a) consider and report on all matters relating to broadcasting of Assembly proceedings;

(b) advise the Assembly on matters related to public participation in the Assembly;

(c) make reports and recommendations to the Assembly, including proposed legislation on matters relating to broadcasting of Assembly proceedings and related matters;

(d) recommend to and advise the Assembly on matters related to the provision of library, publications, and research services in the Assembly;

(e) assist members of the County Assembly in utilizing the facilities provided by the library and research services including the use of information and communication technology.



     Hon. Florence Mwangangi  Hon. Cosmas Kieti
      1. Hon. Florence Mwangangi    –           Chairperson
      2. Hon. Cosmas Kieti               –           Vice Chairperson
      3. Hon. Eric Musembi
      4. Hon. Jacinta Luka
      5. Hon. Patrick Kituku



 Hon. Florence Mwangangi  Hon. Paul Museku
  1. Hon. Florence Mwangangi       –           Chairperson
  2. Hon. Paul Museku                  –           Vice Chairperson
  3. Hon. Margaret Ndalana
  4. Hon. Moses Mitaa
  5. Hon. Thomas Mutinda


Standing Order No.

187. (1) There shall be a select committee to be known as the Assembly Procedure and Rules Committee.

(2) The committee shall comprise the Speaker as chairperson, the Chairperson of Committees and not more than three other Members.

(3) The Procedure and Rules Committee shall consider and report on all matters relating to these Standing Orders.

(4) The Procedure and Rules Committee may propose amendments to these Standing Orders and any such amendments shall upon approval by the Assembly, take effect at the time appointed by the Assembly.

(5) The Assembly Procedure and Rules Committee may propose rules for the orderly and effective conduct of committee business and any such rules, shall upon approval by the Assembly, continue in force until amended or repealed by the Assembly.

(6) Any rules approved under paragraph (5) shall be annexed to the Standing Orders and shall be binding upon Committees to the same extent as these Standing Orders.


 Hon Florence Mwangangi  Hon Paul Museku
  1. Hon. Florence M. Mwangangi      –    Chairperson
  2. Hon. Paul Museku                     –     Vice Chairperson
  3. Hon. Constance Nzioki
  4. Hon. Jane Nyawira
  5. Hon. Paul Nyanzi


Standing Order No. 151. (1) There shall be a select committee, to be designated the House Business Committee, consisting of—
(a) the Speaker who shall be the chairperson;
(b) the Chairperson of Committees;
(c) the Leader of the Majority Party;
(d) the Minority party whip; and
(e) not less than nine and not more than eleven other members, who shall be nominated by Assembly parties and approved by the House at the commencement of every Session, reflecting the relative majorities of the seats held by each of the Assembly parties in the Assembly and taking into consideration the interests of Independents.

(2) The House Business Committee shall be appointed within seven days on assembly of a new House.

(3) In nominating the Members to the House Business Committee, each Assembly party shall include its Whip into the membership.

(4) In the absence of the Speaker, the Chairperson of Committees shall Chair the meetings of the House Business Committee.
(5) The House Business Committee shall—

(a) prepare and , if necessary, from time to time adjust the Assembly Calendar with the approval of the House;

(b) monitor and oversee the implementation of the House Business and programmes.

(c) implement the Standing Orders respecting the scheduling or programming of the business of the Assembly and the functioning of the Committees of the House;

(d) determine the order in which the reports of Committees shall be debated in the House;

(e) may take decisions and issue directives and guidelines to prioritize or postpone any business of the House acting with the concurrence of the Leader of the Majority Party or the Leader of the Minority Party, as the case may be.

(f) consider such matters as may from time to time arise in connection with the business of the House and shall have and perform such powers and functions as are conferred on and ascribed to it by these Standing Orders or from time to time by the House.

(6) The Chairperson and at least one third of the other members of the House Business Committee shall form a quorum.

(7) If, for any reason, a member of the House Business Committee is unable to attend, the Leader in the House of the party which nominated that Member may appoint another Member in that Member‟s place for the period for which the Member is unable to attend.


     Hon. Florence Mwangangi  Hon. Paul Museku
    1. Hon. Florence Mwangangi       Speaker
    2. Hon. Paul Museku                   Chairperson of Committees
    3. Hon. Francis Ngunga               Majority Leader
    4. Hon. Alex Kamitu                    Minority Leader
    5. Hon. Tariq Mulatya                  Majority Whip
    6. Hon. Jacqueline Nziva             Minority Whip
    7. Hon. Justus Kiteng’u
    8. Hon. Betty Nzioki
    9. Hon. Angela Munyasya
    10. Hon. Francis Kalumu
    11. Hon. Peter Mutiso
    12. Hon. George King’ori
    13. Hon. Annastacia Mutuku
    14. Hon. Joshua Muli
    15. Hon. Judas Ndawa

Standing Orders

Written Rules under which County Assembly conducts its business.

They govern procedures, conducts and ethics of the County Assembly affairs.

Legal Notices

Delegated power given to the executive arm of the County Government to make laws however, the same power originate from a statute which gives the executive authority to exercise such power.

Delegate authority however must meet and comply with the powers which the parent statute has set.


This is a proposed Law under consideration by the Assembly.

Process of Law Making:

  1. Pre-publication Scrutiny
  2. First Reading.
  3. Committal to relevant committee – Public Participation.
  4. Second Reading.
  5. Committee of the whole house – Reporting
  6. Third Reading
  7. Assent.
  8. Publication for Implementation


-Sectoral Committees perform most of the oversight duties and have so far been engaged in fact finding missions on the projects implemented by the County executive. The Sectoral Committees oversee the Departments in the County Executive.