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To provide timely access to quality and accurate information in the advancement of the Legislative, Oversight and Representation processes.

To be the Knowledge Centre for the Assembly.

Access to reliable and timely information is essential to the proper functioning of Legislatures across the world. Parliamentary Libraries and Research services contribute to the effectiveness of Assemblies by providing authoritative, Independent and relevant Information.
This major role of the Assembly Library is informed by the need for quality and evidence-based information which will contribute to the making of informed decisions and advancement of the legislative and oversight processes.
Assembly journals, reports and other Information products form a large part of resources produced during the daily transaction of the legislative business.
The Assembly Library organizes manages and integrates these information resources to provide access as well connect the past and the present in a legislative process that largely depends on history and precedence.
External users and Members of public can access the Assembly Library information resources upon written request and approval from the Office of the Clerk.


The County Assembly of Machakos Standing Order No.222 mandates the Broadcasting and Library Select Committee to:
⦁ Recommend and advise the Assembly on matters related to the provision of library, publications, and research services in the Assembly; and
⦁ Assist members of the County Assembly in utilizing the facilities provided by the library and research services including the use of information and communication technology.
Members of the Broadcasting and Library Select Committee
⦁ Hon. Florence M. Mwangangi – Speaker and Chairperson
⦁ Hon. Abdirahman Ali
⦁ Hon. Jacinta Luka
⦁ Hon. Cosmas M. Kieti
⦁ Hon. Eric Musembi

The Assembly Library is charged with the responsibility of collecting and organizing relevant Assembly Information and its dissemination to support Members of the County Assembly, House committees, Staff, departments and by extension the public through various services:
⦁ Circulation and Resource lending for a maximum period of 2 weeks.
⦁ The Library may occasionally renew lending period for Information materials depended on demand.
⦁ Interlibrary Loans and related services.
⦁ In case of loss or damage to Information materials, the borrower will be expected to replace the material/s or is charged the current market price of the item and other expenses with authority from the office the Clerk. For the payments done, a replacement will be purchased.
⦁ Internet and web-browsing services.
⦁ Reprography Services done within permissible limits as per Copyright Act.
⦁ Current Awareness Service.
⦁ Library Research.

Library Management System (LMS)

Digital Library of Free and Borrowable Books

PDF Drive

– Telephone: 020 2000980

⦁ Open Monday to Friday 8.00Am to 5.00Pm
⦁ Closed Weekend and Public Holidays

Library – County Assembly of Machakos
Email –
Tel: 020 2000980

Parliament of Kenya
Kenya Law
Kenya Law Reform Commission
Controller of Budget
County Assemblies Forum
Council of Governors
Kenya National Bureau of Statistics
County Assembly of Kitui
County Assembly of Makueni
House of Commons