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Author: Assembly


Mandates and Establishment

  • The Committee shall scrutinize the resolutions of the Assembly (including adopted Committee reports), Petitions and the undertakings given by the County Executive Committee and examine—
  • whether or not such decisions and undertakings have been implemented and where implemented, the extent to which they have been implemented; and whether such implementation has taken place within the minimum time necessary; and
  • whether or not legislation passed by the Assembly has been operationalised and where operationalised, the extent to which such operationalisation has taken place within the minimum time necessary.

(3)  The Committee may propose to the Assembly, sanctions against any Member of the County Executive Committee who fails to report to the relevant Select Committee on the implementation status without justifiable reasons.


  1. Dominic Maitha (WIPER
  2. Loyd Mutua (MCCP)
  3. Paul Muli “
  4. Douglas Musyoka “
  5. Gideon Kavuu “
  6. Jackson Ndaka “
  7. Vincent Mutie “
  8. Catherine Kyee “
  9. Felix Ngui “
  10. Grace Bahati (INDPNT)
  11. Justus Mutuku (PTP)
  12. Anna Ndilo (UDA)
  13. Hon. Julius Munywoki    “


Mandates and Establishment

  • The Procedure and House Rules Committee shall consider and report on all matters relating to these Standing Orders.
  • The Procedure and House Rules Committee may propose amendments to these Standing Orders and any such amendments shall, upon approval by the Assembly, take effect at the time appointed by the Assembly.
  • The Procedure and House Rules Committee may propose rules for the orderly and effective conduct of Committee business and any such rules, shall, upon approval by the Assembly, continue in force until amended or repealed by the Assembly.


  1. Anne Kiusya -Chairperson
  2. Stephen Mwanthi -Vice Chair
  3. Loyd Mutua
  4. Dickson Maundu
  5. Jackson Ndaka
  6. Brian Kisila
  7. Boniface Katiti
  8. Annastacia Mutevu
  9. Hon. Douglas Musyoka


Mandates and Establishment

The functions of the Committee are to—

  • investigate, inquire into and report on all matters related to the coordination, control and monitoring of the of the county budget;
  • discuss and review budget estimates and make recommendations to the Assembly;
  • examine the County Budget Policy Statement presented to the Assembly;
  • examine Bills related to the county budget, including Appropriations Bills; and
  • evaluate tax estimates, economic and budgetary policies and programmes with direct budget outlays.
  • The County Budget and Appropriations Committee constituted by the Assembly immediately following a general election shall serve for a period of three calendar years and that constituted thereafter shall serve for the remainder of the Assembly term.
  • Five members of the Budget Committee shall constitute a quorum.
  • The Committee shall invite Chairpersons of all Sectoral Committees to make presentations during the consideration of the budget.


  1. Dominic Ndambuki (WIPER
  2. Justus Mutuku
  3. Judas Ndawa (MCCP)
  4. Phoebe Koki “
  5. Margaret Ndalana “
  6. Nicholas Nzioka “
  7. Stephen Mwanthi “
  8. Winfred Mutua “
  9. Hon. Peter Kilonzo


Mandates and Establishment

  • The County Public Accounts and Investments Committee shall be responsible for—
  • The examination of the accounts showing the appropriations of the sum voted by the Assembly to meet the public expenditure and of such other accounts laid before the Assembly as the Committee may think fit.
  • the examination of the reports, accounts, and workings of the county’s public investments;
  • the examination, in the context of the autonomy and efficiency of the county public investments, whether the affairs of the county public investments are being managed in accordance with sound financial or business principles and prudent commercial practices: Provided that the Committee shall not examine any of the following, namely—
  • matters of major County or National Government policy as distinct from business or commercial functions of the public investments;
  • matters of day-to-day administration; and
  • matters for the consideration of which machinery which is established by any special statute under which a particular county public investment is established.


  1. Phillip Ndolo (UDA
  2. Ruth Wanjiru (CCU
  3. Douglas Musyoka (MCCP)
  4. Caroline Mutuku “
  5. Raphael Lucky (WIPER)
  6. Paul Muoki “
  7. Charles Mbuva (GDDP)