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Author: Assembly


About the County Assemby – Article 176

County Assemblies are established under the Constitution of Kenya Article 176.” There shall be a County Government for each County, Consisting of a County Assembly and County Executive.

The roles of a County Assembly are majorly: Legislation, representation, and Oversight pursuant to the Constitution of Kenya Article 185 and the County Government Act.


Order Paper 3.25.2019 Afternoon Special Sitting

Monday, March 25, 2019 Afternoon Special Sitting Order Paper

Access order paper here 

Access Notice of Amendments, “The Machakos County Supplement Appropriation Bill(Kenya Gazette Supplement No. 2(Machakos County Bill No. 1 of 2019))” here

Access the Report of the Committee to the plenary here

Access Guide of the Chairperson on Disposing Clauses  here

Access schedule of Clauses here