The Machakos County Omnibus Stations And Parking Bill, 2014
The principal object of this Bill is to omnibus activities in the county and to ensure order in the omnibus stations. The Act requires that a person before operating an omnibus be permitted in accordance with the Act. It also establishes the institutional framework.
The structure of the Bill is as follows—
Part I (clauses 1–3) of the Bill contains preliminary provisions. These include the title of the Bill, interpretation of terms and a statement of objects of the Act. Among the objects are the requirements to require the licensing of omnibus activities; designate omnibus stations; and provide for the institutional framework for regulating omnibus station.
Part II (clauses 4-27) of the Bill provides for substantive provisions. The Chief officer in charge of trade will be responsible for enforcing the provisions of the Bill assisted by other authorized officers through the power of delegation. Additionally, regulation provisions such as when an omnibus starts and when it completes a journey, parking places, timetables before being followed by omnibus need to be approved by the licensing officer, manner of parking. Further, how passengers are to conduct themselves has also been catered for, manner of entering an omnibus, that instructions and directions of station supervisor need to be followed, among others