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The Machakos County Agricultural Development Fund Bill, 2014

Access Bill here.  Hansard(1.)(2.)(3.)

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The principal object of this Bill is to provide for the growth and development of the agricultural sector, enhance production, improve quality, value addition, and marketing and to establish the County Agricultural Development Fund to finance the agricultural sector. This will enhance agricultural productivity in the county and improve the economic status of farmers in the community.

The structure of the Bill is as follows:

Part I (clause 1-3) of the Bill contains preliminary provisions. These include the title of the proposed Bill, interpretation of terms and the objects. The object of the Bill is to provide a legal framework to facilitate the growth and development of agriculture in the County and in particular to—

  • establish the County Agricultural Development Fund to finance the agricultural development initiatives;
  • promote of the production, processing, marketing, and distribution of agricultural products in suitable areas of the county;
  • reduce duplication and overlap of functions among institutions involved in the regulation of agriculture;
  • promote competitiveness in the agricultural sector and to develop diversified crop and animal products and market outlets; and
  • attract and promote private investment in agriculture.

 Part II (clause 4-14) of the Bill establishes the County Agricultural Development Fund, provides for its administrative framework and prescribes its functions and the powers of the Board of Trustees. The Fund shall be funded from monies apportioned by the assembly, license fees, gifts donations and grants from any lawful source. The purpose of the Fund shall be to fund the agricultural sector, facilitate the provision of farm inputs, irrigation infrastructure and promotion of value addition. The Fund shall be applied in control of plant and animal diseases, soil and water conservation, market research and generally agricultural development initiatives. The Fund shall be administered by a Board of Trustees comprised of the Chief officers in the relevant departments, non-public officer representatives and the CEO of the Fund.

Part III (clause 15-24) of the Bill contains provisions of a general nature. Among these are provisions requiring that balances in the Fund at the end of the financial year shall be retained for purposes for which the Fund is established.  It is also provided that community based projects shall be given priority in funding. This part also gives the Executive Committee member the powers to make subordinate legislation for purposes of giving effect to the Act.

The enactment of this Bill shall occasion additional expenditure of public funds which shall be provided for in the county government of Machakos estimates.